One Life Hack to Rule Them All

3 min readMar 19, 2020


There are those among us who constantly seek to find new and interesting ways to do the same old stuff.

We call them life hacks because that’s so exciting. The truth, though? We’re really just finding new and interesting ways to do the SAME OLD STUFF.

Want to clean your walls? Use a steam cleaner! Instead of, you know, a rag. Want to clean your ceiling fan? Use a steam cleaner! Instead of, you know, basically anything else that doesn’t have a long handle and even a basin of water that’s going to drip out on your head the moment you hold it up.

So why are we attracted to these potentially overcomplicated and sometimes even DANGEROUS ways to do something when we already know how to do it some other way?

Well, convenience, obviously. I mean, god forbid that dust from the ceiling fan falls off and actually HIT me. Perish the thought that I might have to use my arms to scrub when holding a pole sideways and sometimes even diagonally up for an hour sounds easier.

The truth is that sometimes these hacks are so ludicrous, you have to wonder if the creator (or regurgitator) even stopped to validate them.

Somewhere out there, there’s a guy who sits there and thinks about what he can repurpose. He doesn’t actually try any of it. He just says, “Steam cleaners clean, and they do it from far away. Heck, you could probably clean a ceiling fan with it. I’ve never used one, and I don’t have a fan, but it seems legit!”

When it comes right down to it, you are probably better served to use the tool that makes the most sense, and leaves the least amount of fallout.

So wait, what do we do with this steam cleaner?


Oh, a cordless steam cleaning MOP?

Well ok, that’s kind of a different thing than that huge, plug-in-to-the-wall, power-assisted professional hulk that you can rent at most pet stores.

Oh good. Now that we’ve clarified that, let’s get a little clearer in our thinking, shall we?

What if you need to know the best way to steam clean your tile and grout? Well, start by finding out which is the best STEAM CLEANER for tile and grout. And then FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS.

Want a real life hack? Here goes.

Want to know how to do anything in the world? Think about the way that makes the most sense, or buy the tool that is supposed to do that thing, and do THAT!

Bam. Mike drop. Insanity, I know.

But what do we do with all these sites that give you so much information about that crazy way you can repurpose pillowcases or cool-whip or the nasty stinky old socks that just won’t lose the crust anymore when washed.

The bottom line, folks? The bottom line is that there’s already a thing for “that”. Usually, it’s the most obvious thing for “that” that exists, and you already know how to do it.

Stop spending time feeding the pig for people who just regurgitate the same information as others, even to the point of reusing the images that six hundred other blogs already used.

There’s a life hack for you.




Matt Morris is a freelance ghostwriter and photographer, with myriad other focuses scattered between. He’s also well-versed in graphic design and blogging.