The Danderlions and the Air Purifier

2 min readApr 13, 2020


When you have too many pets, you stop thinking about things like asthma and allergies.

If it’s come to the point where you have three dogs and three cats, chances are you’ve already accepted that you either don’t have asthma or allergies or have relegated yourself to the fact that you’ll be coughing and sneezing for the rest of your life.

The thing that makes this all the more ironic is that you don’t have to cough and sneeze.

There is so much technology available nowadays for a proper dismissal of those tiny irritants that would easily set off your coughing reflex and/or your histamine response.

Are they perfect? Of course not.

But most people never even think to try. And if they do, they take it for granted no sooner than it’s installed.

Take the best air purifier for allergies and asthma in the world and tuck it under the table in your bedroom. It will sit there, silently straining the air of all those little buggers that love to make you hurt and itch.

That thing will suck the air dry of all foreign elements, given enough time. You’ll have an environment so pure as to have been had been hermetically sealed.

The truth, though, is that you’ll never know it’s working. And you’ll never know that it worked. You might realize at some point how little you cough lately or how you don’t ever seem to get allergies anymore.

But those things come from other sources and just as easily disappear with the implementation of other solutions.

So why opt for the air purifier? Well, perspective and belief are powerful things. If you want to believe something (or fear something, for that matter), it will be easier to swallow.

So installing an air purifier works on a couple of levels: you hope for it to help. You want to believe in that wonderful microscopic magic that is the purification system.

The result? If it works, you feel better. And if it doesn’t work, you probably STILL feel better.

Fun story, huh?

Well, it’s a fact. The mind can literally make a thing true for your body.

To be clear, I’m not saying that wishing your air pure will actually result in a reduction of parts per million. The pollutants may still be there, purifier or not.

But you believe the air is fresh, your body treats it as fresh.

As a smoker, I’ve seen several times when someone SEES me smoking and starts coughing, pausing only to glower disdainfully over their cupped hand.

Don’t mind that some of them were behind airtight glass when it happened, and the others so far away that they might have been in another state of the union.

The moral of this story?

If you have any breathing condition that results in breathing difficulties, particularly if it results from particulate matter bobbing on ebb and flow of your A/C, an air purifier can do nothing but help.

That, or shaving and bathing all of your cats every day. Be sure that exfoliating scrub is safe for pets. They’re going to need it for all that dander.




Matt Morris is a freelance ghostwriter and photographer, with myriad other focuses scattered between. He’s also well-versed in graphic design and blogging.